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    Chinese Traditional Festivals    
    Nadam Fair 那达慕大会  (6083) 2010-7-10
    The 24 Solar Term 24节气(1-12)  (5568) 2010-7-4
    The 24 Solar Term 24 节气(13-24)  (20317) 2010-7-4
    Torch Festival 火把节  (5320) 2010-7-3
    The Shangsi festival 上巳节(三月三)  (6176) 2010-7-3
    Water-Splashing Festival 傣族泼水节  (8638) 2010-7-3
    National Day 国庆节  (6266) 2010-6-27
    Teachers' Day 教师节  (5739) 2010-6-27
    The People's Liberation Army Day 建军节  (5153) 2010-6-27
    Children's Day 儿童节  (5271) 2010-6-27
    May 4 Youth Day of China 五四青年节  (5590) 2010-6-27
    International Labor's Day(May Day) 国际劳动节  (5437) 2010-6-27
    China's New Year's Day 元旦  (5252) 2010-6-27
    Grain in Ear 芒种(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (13971) 2010-6-26
    The Waking of Insects 惊蛰(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5017) 2010-6-26
    The Beginning of Spring 立春(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5143) 2010-6-26
    Grain Rain 谷雨(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5389) 2010-6-26
    Chinese New Year's Eve 除夕  (43274) 2010-6-26
    Spring equinox 春分(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5091) 2010-6-20
    Corban Festival 吉尔邦节  (5412) 2009-10-10
    Hungry Ghost Festival 中国鬼节  (5424) 2009-9-16
    The Spring Festival 春节  (5720) 2009-9-13
    The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节  (5503) 2009-9-13
    Double Ninth Festival 重阳节  (7128) 2009-9-12
    Lantern Festival 元宵节  (6138) 2009-9-12
    Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节  (6154) 2009-9-12
    Pure brightness 清明节(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5347) 2009-9-12
    Double Seventh Festival 七夕节  (5378) 2009-9-12
    Winter Solstice Festival 冬至(The 24 Solar Term 24 节气)  (5197) 2009-9-12
    Laba Festival 腊八节  (5663) 2009-9-12
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