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    Chinese Language Reading    
    The seven reason of learning Chinese's difficulties 学中文七大困难原因(2)  (6745) 2009-12-13
    If I were a boy again 假如我又回到了童年(Audio ♫)  (6488) 2009-11-7
    Main City Flowers of Chinese Cities 中国城市主要市花  (6988) 2009-9-20
    Which other countries are affected by Chinese characters  (5551) 2009-9-15
    China's development brings about Chinese language popularity in Egypt  (5423) 2009-9-15
    The Development of Chinese in Other Countries  (5258) 2009-9-15
    Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (The Butterfly Lovers) 梁山伯与祝英台(Audio ♫)  (7634) 2009-9-15
    The tirword primer(1)三字经(一) (Audio ♫)  (5474) 2009-9-15
    The tirword primer(2)三字经(二)(Audio ♫)  (5340) 2009-9-15
    The Monkey King 孙悟空  (5563) 2009-9-15
    For mothers and fathers 爸爸妈妈的幸福格言(Audio ♫)  (5710) 2009-9-13
    TV makes people fat 电视容易催人肥 (Audio ♫)  (6023) 2009-9-13
    The seven reason of learning Chinese's difficulties 学中文七大困难原因(!)(Audio ♫)  (5805) 2009-9-13
    Retreating about thirty Miles as Condition for Peace 退避三舍(Audio ♫)  (5888) 2009-9-13
    Chinese Literature Introduction 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions  (5139) 2009-9-13
    Can I buy an hour of your time? 我可以买你一个小时的时间吗?(Audio ♫)  (5671) 2009-9-13
    When the Map is Unrolled, the Dagger is Revealed 图穷匕见(Audio ♫)  (5786) 2009-9-13
    Chinese Literature Introduction -西游记 Journey to the West  (5402) 2009-9-13
    Chinese Literature Introduction 水浒传Outlaws of the Marsh  (5305) 2009-9-13
    The Monkey King vs. Harry Potter 孙悟空PK哈利•波特  (5592) 2009-9-13
    Double Happiness 囍  (5193) 2009-9-13
    The most classic and romantic love messages in Chinese and English 最经典浪漫的英汉爱情短信  (5398) 2009-9-13
    Some Selected Classic Mao Quotations 精选毛泽东语录  (8446) 2009-9-13
    Tips for life 生活小常识(Audio ♫)  (6253) 2009-9-13
    Have You Eaten? 你吃了吗?  (5655) 2009-9-13
    Little Tips  (5899) 2009-9-13
    The Complexity of Family Relations  (6245) 2009-9-13
    Romantic Names of States  (5334) 2009-9-13
    Sichuan Earthquake 四川地震  (4783) 2009-9-13
    Speak Chinese to Your Child 家庭汉语  (5646) 2009-9-12
    Facing the recession ,equality between men and women 面对衰退 男女平等  (5128) 2009-9-12
    Live for what? 我为何而生 (Audio ♫)  (5469) 2009-9-12
    The problem with GUYS 男人的问题(Audio ♫)  (22377) 2009-9-12
    Speechwriting 写演讲稿  (4884) 2009-9-12
    Eat sheep in the cold winter 数九寒冬吃羊  (5302) 2009-9-12
    The seven questions to help your career summary 七大问题帮你总结职业生涯  (5229) 2009-9-12
    How to See a Doctor in China?  (5006) 2009-9-12
    Tips for Living in China  (5193) 2009-9-12
    Girls ask for beauty or knowledge 女孩要美貌还是学识? (Audio ♫)  (5330) 2009-9-12
    Make you love your job 教你爱上你的工作(Audio ♫)  (5304) 2009-9-12
    Delivering the Fruit of Romance  (6301) 2009-9-12
    Chinese Hospitality 中国人的待客之道  (5310) 2009-9-12
    Health: Acupuncture in the UK 健康:针灸在英国  (4876) 2009-9-12
    Just love doesn't keep a marriage going 仅仅是爱不能维持婚姻  (5093) 2009-9-12
    Classic lines of Kongfu Panda 功夫熊猫经典语录(Audio ♫)  (5411) 2009-9-12
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