五月天单曲《由我们主宰》2014巴西世界杯中文主题曲,由五月天阿信联合填词人陈没撰写,歌曲明显的南美巴西风格,强烈的节奏感,带给听众热血沸腾的视听感受。 Mayday’s "Dominated by us" is a Chinese theme song for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. It’s written by Xin, Mayday’s lead singer, and a famous lyricist, Chen Mo. The song is full of Brazilian style, with a strong sense of rhythm, which brings the audience an excited audio-visual experience.
期待一场球赛 qīdài yì chǎng qiúsài 期待一次未来 qīdài yī cì wèilái 人生总在期待 rénshēng zǒng zài qīdài 输赢也都会精彩 shū yíng yě dōu huì jīngcǎi 热泪盈眶的痛快 rèlèiyíngkuàng de tòngkuài 想喊那就呐喊 xiǎng hǎn nà jiù nàhǎn 排山倒海的期待 páishāndǎohǎi de qīdài 七十亿颗心狂欢 qī shí yì kē xīn kuánghuān 由我们主宰 yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi 世界能多大 shìjiè néng duō dà 由我由我由我 yóu wǒ yóu wǒ yóu wǒ 由我们主宰 yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi Lights up the world Lights up the world 心跳痛快起来 xīn tiào tòngkuài qǐlái 天地逆转起来 tiāndì nìzhuǎn qǐlái 烦恼飞踢起来 fánnǎo fēi tī qǐlái 飞踢到大气层外 fēi tī dào dàqìcéng wài 扭转过去和现在 niǔzhuǎn guòqù hé xiànzài 谁说你不能爱 shuí shuō nǐ bú néng ài 贯彻快乐的未来 guànchè kuàilè de wèilái 是谁能主宰? shì shuí néng zhǔzǎi ? 由我 由我 由我 yóu wǒ yóu wǒ yóu wǒ 由我们主宰 yóu wǒmen zhǔ zǎi 世界一起 everybody shìjiè yī qǐ 你的风景 由你决定 nǐ de fēngjǐng yóu nǐ juédìng 世界一起 everybody shìjiè yī qǐ everybody Lights up the world Lights up the world 由我们主宰 yóu wǒmen zhǔ zǎi 世界能多大 shìjiè néng duō dà 由我 由我 由我 yóu wǒ yóu wǒ yóu wǒ 由我们主宰 yóu wǒmen zhǔ zǎi
Looking forward to a ball game Looking forward to a future Life is always on the way to look forward Both winners and losers have their wonderful moment The thorough joy when tears fill our eyes Cry out whenever you want It’s the Overwhelming expectations It’s the carnival of seven billion hearts Dominated by us However big the world is Dominated by me Dominated by us Lights up the world Lights up the world Let our heartbeat dances delightedly Reverse sky and earth Kick up troubles To the exoatmosphere Reverse past and present Who says you cannot love Implement a future that will be filled with happiness Who is the master Dominated by me Dominated by us Everybody together You decide your view Everybody together Lights up the world Lights up the world Dominated by us However big the world is Dominated by me Dominated by us
生词百宝箱 New Words
期待 (v.&n.) qī dài expect 球赛 (n.) qiú sài game 未来 (n.) wèi lái future 人生 (n.) rén shēng life 输 (v.) shū lose 赢 (v.) yíng win 精彩 (n.) jīng cǎi splendid 呐喊 (v.) nà hǎn whoop 狂欢 (n.) kuáng huān carnival 主宰 (v.) zhǔ zǎi dominate 心跳 (n.) xīn tiào heartbeat 逆转 (v.) nì zhuǎn reverse 烦恼 (n.) fán nǎo trouble 大气层 (n.) dà qì céng atmosphere 扭转 (v.) niǔ zhuǎn reverse 过去 (n.) guò qù the past 现在 (n.) xiàn zài now 贯彻 (v.) guàn chè carry out 风景 (n.) fēng jǐng scenery 决定 (n.&v.) jué ding decide
人生 美丽人生 灿烂人生 面对人生 人生的渴望 主宰 人生主宰 主宰世界 主宰优势 生命的主宰 逆转 逆转市场 风险逆转 逆转试图 风向逆转 扭转 扭转局面 扭转未来 扭转乾坤 扭转亏损 贯彻 贯彻到底 积极贯彻 贯彻政策 全面贯彻 决定 决定权 最后决定 决定命运 性别决定
1. 请给下面歌词中加点的字标出拼音,看看拼音有什么共同特点,然后有感情地朗读这段歌词,注意句尾汉字的读音 Please write down the Pinyin of the following characters with dots under it. Look for the common characteristics among the Pinyin, then read the words of the song with expression. Pay attention to the last character’s pronunciation of each sentence.
期待一场球赛( ) 期待一次未来( ) 人生总在期待( ) 输赢也都会精彩( ) 热泪盈眶的痛快( ) 排山倒海的期待( ) 由我们主宰( )
2. 用上下面的提示语句,模仿歌词讲述你的故事 期待______________ 期待____________ 人生总在______ _____也都会______
3. 阅读理解Reading comprehension 这首歌表达了什么样的情感?What does the song sing for? 4. 自由谈 Free talk 你希望这届世界杯有什么样的精彩?what is your expectation for the 2014 World Cup? 5. 完整演唱《爱情转移》 Please sing completely the song Love Transfer